Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thursday Oct 11, 2007 - at sea

It was another lazy day again. Just the usually eating, sleeping, shopping, piano bar visiting and so on.

But it was a formal night so we had to get dressed up too!

Oh, and I how could I forget: this was the night of the gala buffet. Here's a couple of the best pictures:

look at those chocolate covered strawberries!

Believe it or not Steve M and I abstained from eating this time. (Well, it could have something to do with our supper finishing up around 10:00 pm).

And then we were off to the piano bar. That Matt Yee guy is really a character. We'll miss his ancient Hawaiian sing a long songs! We bought one of his CDs to help us remember. The fun times we had staying up late and listening to him.

And dare we forget the cheer:


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