Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Monday Oct 8 2007 - at sea

This was a definite sleep in LATE day. I know I didn't get up much before 11 am. And it probably would have been longer if I didn't think I'd get razzed. And this was the day we had to start dealing with the time change moving forward. (remember that there's 6 hours time difference between Hawaii and home. And just flying to LA is a 3 hour time difference so jet lag became a major factor for our trip home. So we were lucky that the ship changed it's clock by 1 hour for 3 days instead of doing all 6 hours at once.

No pics from this day. It was a pure rest and relaxation day. Oh, and I think we cleaned up our cabin a bit. We didn't have much time for putting away clothes and stuff the past 5 days.

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