Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trip to Hawaii - Day 8 Thurs Dec 8

We’re up bright and early 6:50 am while on vacation…

We get off the boat around 8:15. But we wait 45 minutes to get on the shuttle. We were making good time until the shuttle shows up. And then proceeds to drive away! Not impressed as we had to wait another 20 mins for another shuttle. But we finally make it to the car rental agency. Only to end up waiting another 45 minutes just to get a car. Steve was not at all impressed. But we got into our ford fusion around 9:15.

(note: After our trip Budget asked us to fill out a survey about our experience. When i told them our experience, they apologized and sent us coupons for our next car rental. We thought that was pretty good as we really hadn't expected to hear from them again.)

So snorkeling is now out of the question. But we make it to the skyline eco-adventure with 15 minutes to spare. After a bit of a bumpy ride to the site thru lots of red dirt we’re ready to zipline. 8 ziplines! What a blast! We were the only Canadians and they poked a bit of fun over that. But we had an awesome time.

Back in the car and we’re off to Island Paperie which seems to have changed hands since 2007. It’s much smaller, but the selection of Hawaii good is still pretty good. The store appears to be ½ the size, and the penalty box for the guys was gone. Still managed to spend some money there though. Can’t wait to show it off.

Then we tried to get to see the Black rock (near the Sheraton). But we couldn’t find any parking. So instead we stopped at the first public beach area and walked the beach for a bit. The sun was setting behind an island so no sunset pics. Gorgeous beach, but I still haven’t seen the famous ‘Black rock’ snorkelling spot. Guess we’ll have to come back for that…

After watching the sunset, we headed back to Lahaina and checked out all the little shops there. A lot of fun. We even found a gelato shop that had raspberry and mango flavours. Yummmmmm.

We’re back on the boat around 9:30 and pretty wiped out.

Time to get ready for our dolphin swim tomorrow! I’m Soooooo excited.

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