Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trip to Hawaii - Day 10 Fri Dec 10

WOW! Once again we did the car rental thing and discovered that we have the rapid sign in. Too bad we didn’t know that in Maui. So we were in the car in no time.

And it was a fabulous drive. We did the North end of the island.

First stop was the Hanalei Valley lookout. Great scenery, nice lighthouse - didn't go in it thought.

We stopped at Annini beach which looked like a great possibility for snorkelling. But, I thought we’d wait to see what Tunnels beach offered. Unfortunately the water was pretty rough by the time we arrived at Tunnels beach and it was pouring rain. So no snorkeling…

In fact it rained off and on for most of the day. But we still had a great time, exploring. We stopped at farmers market and then at a local festival - Waipa Kalo Festival. The people were so friendly! This is definitely the way to see the islands.

This is a very beautiful island with lots of great little beaches on the North shore. We'll definitely have to come back and explore even more of the island.

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