Saturday, February 11, 2012

Trip to Hawaii - Day 3 Sat Dec 3

Scrapbooking is at 12. Kind of a strange time, but ok, I’m game. I arrive and there isn’t a cutter in site. Some scissors, some paper – heavy stuff, some corner punches and 2 glue sticks. I wish over and over again that I had brought my basics. There wasn't even a ruler and I couldn't find a pair of straight scissors either. I couldn't even show some of the gals there how to get the basics of scrapbooking. It's a good thing I brought my computer. At least i can get some electronic scrapbooking done.

I have to remember to send a letter to Carnival about their "scrapbooking". The lady teaching it didn't seem the least bit interested in scrapbooking.

I have some shopping to do when we get to Maui. Look out Island Paperie!

Ok, so scrapbooking was a complete flop. I wonder if I could get a job teaching scrapbooking on cruise ships. And maybe spark up the arts and crafts as well. That plastic canvas stuff is getting a little old.

It’s pretty rough out on the seas. Didn’t even bother to try to go out on deck.
I’m so tired I had to leave the show. Can’t keep my eyes open anymore. This relaxing stuff takes a lot out of you. Or maybe it's just the time change.

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